Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

More pinterest pics

freakin' perfect??? pretty much!


oh, Princess Diana... :)

this totally touched my heart! may I have a little girl now? pleeeeaaase?

I kinda like this in some way or know what I mean?

I want to make one of these! I think they look kinda cute by the door or something cuz it is kinda supposed to have a messy look, but it's cute too, right?

I used to makes these in elementary school!

oooo, want want want - but in blue please :)



Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2011

Word kind of pics

I haven't looked these up, but I liked this

true story

I've always liked this one

lol. yes, yes I do

guilty :)

because that is true!!! you never know what might grab it or eat it...

best game ever!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Organized kinda pics

I kinda really like this idea ^


oh my garage door! these are containers that are amazing and I have wanted since I saw them!!! they have this little push button thing on the top (like those kid toys) that seals it and releases the seal. it is amazing and so smart :)


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Yeah-I'm-still-baby-hungry pics

I really want a baby girl. a blondie. then I wouldn't have to sit a church by myself when Jacob is at work or during relief society. and then I wouldn't have to sit at home by myself when Jacob is at work. we could play and I could teach her and we could take naps and everything! I would really like to teach my babies a few signs so that it is easier to understand them while they are learn how to speak. doesn't that sound fun? I think so at least :) Jacob is really cute with kids and I can't wait to see him be all cute with our kids! and then he can give them their baby blessing and they can wear cute clothes and I can make homemade baby food so that they are healthy and happy. and Jacob and I can play nose-goes for changing diapers and waking up late at night. lol. but I still have at least 2 more years. dang it! I've been thinking about how Jacob and I should have FHE each week. to make it fun, I was thinking about buying a FHE activity book for kids and copying the pages so that we can colour and laminate the activities to save for quick, prepared FHE's with our little ones! my mum had things like that and I loved them :)
