Monday, April 2, 2012

Ahhh, the dreaded season returns...

this is KT's first spring/summer not being in the same boat as me. I hope it is good to her. I shall stick to my XL hot pink bikini top (that doesn't even really do the job) with tankini bottoms, shorts and a tank top. yeah, my tank floats up in the water and doesn't dry even half as fast as everyone's swimsuits. yeah, I have to take string and tie a knot so my tank straps come together in the back and it at least 1/2 way does the job of covering up the front a little. yeah, it sux and is very inconvenient...but at least it kinda works, right?
I just dread swimsuit season because of my chest. the season that everyone asks why I wear so many layers in the pool or to tan. the season when I get my hopes up and try on potential swimsuits just to be heartbroken. the season, like all the others, that I have to wear larger shirts, to fit my chest, and wear a well fitted cami underneath so the bigger part (bottom of the shirt) can kinda cling to it so everyone and I can see that I kinda do have a little bit of a figure. I love my cami-s! I go to Wet Seal and buy 5 for $20 about once a year :) lol. 
thankfully I have school in the summer and I have work with my hubby this year from August-October and we aren't close to the beach or pools. haha, yeah...


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