Monday, July 20, 2009

The plan... what plan?

stress=Kris' life at the moment, future, past, and so on... lol.
i guess it's not so bad, there's just lots to do. my online classes were a little crazy these past couple of weeks. part of that is because of my mad procrastination skills (yeah...) and part of that is because of how insanely HARD my music theory class turned out to be. seriously. then there is housing at BYU-I that i need to find and take care of. unfortunately they are filling up faster than they should, but thankfully i think i found least i applied for one. i need to call them tomorrow. but guess what??? housing really isn't all that important unless i'm actually up there. that right... i have NO clue how i'm getting up there. i'm thinking that i should just start walking up there next week. i can't afford to fly myself, mum, and my lugage up there and my mum back down here plus a rental car and hotel from SLC to Rexburg, PLUS tuition, housing, food, books, life...craziness. so my options right now are renting a car and driving, taking a train of some sort, hitchhiking, or walking/biking it. yeah... oh! and if that wasn't crazy enough, Kris is trying to find time for visiting teaching and her home teachers in her crazy, random, busy schedule. but it's all good. and my talking terms with dad isn't any better than it was a couple of months ago. blah. God doesn't give me anything that i can't handle, right? whatever doesn't break me makes me stronger. i just need to start with my pro/con lists and work from there.
anyways... my mermaid/blue hair turned out pretty well.

i got to hang out with Jakob last monday night! it was so much fun! we fooled around at the mall for a bit and he introduced me to the best cookie cake ever! then we hit Barnes and Noble for a bit before stopping by the Geddies. it was awesome. it always is :)

oooo, i also took the kids to the beach last week and we went to the aquarium! it was pretty darn exciting. i even went into the water! there were jumping fish, which freaked me out, but Becca pulled me in deeper anyways. even though there could be jellyfish, sharks, crabs, diseases... yeah. i learned that i do not have the paitence to make a proper sandcastle. sad, but true. lol. and that Galveston is super easy to drive to, though not too close. i saw penguins at the aquarium! it was awesome!!!
i think i have a photoshoot with my sister this weekend. Krista is taking the pictures and Alissa is coming along. i have mixed feelings about doing this, but KT and Krista want it so alrighty then. i think we're even going to junk yards and stuff if possible, so that should be fun and interesting ;)
Becca and i are on "Bella duty" until about 2am. no problems so far, thank heaven. we were changing Bella's diaper and her trach kept coming out which means the beeping noise begins. Jason came out to check on us right on cue. lol. so here i am writting a blog at 12:30am. it's cool though. i love to help and Bella is so cute! hehe.
kay, i think it's cereal and blanket making time.

1 comment:

  1. wow! you have a busy life! I really like ur pics by the way there really cute!!
