it's unbearable at times. it's all over my body. it brought me to tears tonight for a bit. sometimes it creeps up and attacks just my arm or leg or foot or something. but then there are times when it just washes over when you're playing in the ocean and a wave turns out to be much bigger than you thought, and it soaks you head to toe. everything is itching and nothing helps. the doctor gave me a pack of meds that might help eventually. i'm hoping and praying for it to stop. if not to stop me from screaming, but just to help Jacob breathe and not have to worry about me. he took me to the doctor and has been making sure i take all of my meds...i don't think there is anything else he can do besides hold me tight when i should stop itching for a bit. i warned him that i might get violent, though, if i have to go an extended period of time from answering the cries of my fair skin for it to be itched and relieved. he lets me itch, and helps sometimes, but only for so long. i'm so thankful for him and Camry for watching out for me. they're lifesavers. this too will pass, as everything does. it's just a matter of time...right?
detergent? anything new blooming there? do you have cortoscone (sp) cream? benadryl? wish I knew how to help