Monday, April 18, 2011

Like this isn't enough, let's add a tierra!

so i can't find any of my class homepages for each syllabus and such. i'm hoping i don't have to have anything important studied or finished by the 1st day of school. you know what i mean?
and if that wasn't enough, my body thought it'd be funny and start acting up. i don't know why or really even how, but it is and its rude.
i've got this pain and comfortable feeling going on. i could be dying for all i know, but every time i bring it up to a doctor, they blow it off. fun fun. so i decided to take things into my own hands. it all involved webmd, wikipedia, and google images for a pic of the organs of a human. nothing really helped the pictures showed me that it could be my liver, spleen, or stomach. non of those are too important, right? and if this pain has been just random and a couple of times a year for a couple of years now, its not too big of a deal yet i suppose. but this time the feeling and uncomfort of the pain perhaps about to happen - it lasted for about a week this time instead of a day or so. it isn't too bad today...maybe its going away...? idk, but i'm really hoping i'm not getting some type of sick like last semester. that always messes with my grades and i'd rather not have that.
besides my spastic body and such, i am LOVING rexburg! i always do :)
the weather is chilly, but not terrible.
our apartment is wonderful! (besides the rebellious toilet. i swear that thing is out to get me...)
we're pretty much all moved in! we just have to put clothes in our new dresser and organize our closet again.
classes start tomorrow. i'm super excited to see how i'm gonna like my new classes! i've got anthropology, geography, economics, world religions...i don't remember the rest right now. lol.
jacob has a job! makes life a little boring b/c he has the car and i'm a little ways from my friends, but at least we are blessed with the job.
i talked a guy at RAC to cut the price of a new pillow-top serta mattress and box-spring by about 230 so that it was in our price range. no more sleeping on the floor!
i'm thinking we're going to be getting our 1st "Q" shipment this week! yay!
hope the rest of this week goes smoothly


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