Thursday, October 6, 2011

80-34 (26)

are you wondering what those numbers mean? yeah, I would too. lol. within the past week the temperature has gone from 80 degrees to 34 degrees (windchill + sleet/snow = feels like 26 degrees). that is what my wonderful iphone tells me.
it is quite chilly, but thankfully we don't have to turn on the heater yet. I think it should get back up above 45 degrees sometime within the next day or two. I refuse to increase the price of the electric/gas bill because of Rexburg's spastic weather moment. ya know? yay for hoodies and blankets and a husband that puts off the heat of a portable heater :) that is the cause for not too much cuddling in the summer, but we get cuddle time again when it gets cold outside.
what do you do when it gets cold outside? I like to bake in the winter. my mum taught me that when it is cold, you bake something yummy and then, when it is done, you turn off the oven and open it up so that the rest of the heat can warm part of the house! I know, she is quite brilliant :)

Jacob got an email informing him about an internship that happens internationally in a bunch of places. it is called HELP International. I went to the last part of the meeting and asked (Jacob had class during that time and we both had class during the 1st part of the meeting). one of the places is Peru. he REALLY wants to go back there and one of our goals is to go to South America. this would check off a required internship for school and give experience and help people! we are kinda torn about it...we REALLY want to go, but we don't think we would be able to make it this coming trip. it goes on from May-August and we have school during that time. however, if we get it as credit for internships, we will technically be "in-school" with 6 credits. that is good! but the loans/grants only apply if you have at least 12 credits per I will be looking up what classes we could take online. but what if we don't have constant internet access? dun dun dunnn... you can go just 6 weeks or the 4 months, the cost is the same. maybe we stay part time and take a class or two during the last block of spring...? I shall be looking up the schedule of when block classes start. they give us a fundraiser letter that we can give to businesses and such. we could end up only paying a fraction of the cost!
but I have the opportunity to apply to study in China next fall in a real chinese college, CNU in Beijing. my chinese class is kinda trying to kick my butt these days, but I'm doing my best to keep up. the 1st part of learning chinese wasn't too difficult, but I think I have hit a ridge. I'm pretty sure, though, that things will get better once I get over this ridge. China would be an AMAZING opportunity and it could count up to 17 credits for school here and an internship. Jacob is game for going as long as we can find him a paid internship in China while we are there. I found out that there are senior missionaries all around the world that spend pretty much all of their time contacting people and trying to find students, like us, great jobs, contacts, and internships. I'm pretty sure we could contact them and ask what they know of...
with our grants, we should be able to afford both of these trips.
what would we do with our car that we hope to get this coming spring? what would we do with the fantastic apartment that we hope to rent? we would still need to pay rent when we aren't even living there... we wouldn't be able to get a cat in April/May like we hoped cuz we wouldn't be here if we chose these adventures. I guess the big question is, what should we do?

this is where prayer and pro/con lists and A LOT of research comes in handy.
here we go!



  1. go. go. go. the apartment hunt will be here when you get back. the cat will be here when you get back. everything normal and boring will be here waiting for you to come back to it. GO! five to ten years from now, what will matter? You can't do those wonderful things with a family, a cat, a car payment, a house.
    (just my two cents, of course!)

  2. hehe, you are amazing. thank you for your support! we are definitely working on it ;)
