Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pics pics and more pics :)



  1. 1: i'm sorry i couldn't see you while i was in rexburg!

    2: do you have a pintrest account so you can put these on your boards? if you do: i need to be following you, because i'm sure your boards are awesome! if you don't: let me know, and i'll invite you!

    3: you post the greatest things here. i love it.

    4: i love you so so much! i saw keaton from far away today. she was singing in the Choir at the conference i went to. but i'm not on facebook so i can't tell her that on her wall. so i wanted to tell you, cuz you know her too!

    5: again, i love you!

  2. :D
    i don't have a pinterest account. I'm afraid it would become more of an addiction. lol. it would make it easier to keep track of the links to recipes and crafts and such, though...
    i'm so glad you like what i post! that is very flattering :)
    you saw keaton? fun! she is so cute!!!
    i love YOU!
