Thursday, June 11, 2009

The weekend and what is to come...

yes, it's getting very late and i should be sleeping, but i just got the impression to write on here so i am. haha. hmmm, where do i start? graduation was pretty good. actually, it was super boring. lol, i'm not going to lie. what made it totally worth it, though, was at the end of the ceremony when the students were walking back in their lines. Drew was walking and looked our way, so i waved and he waved back, but unfortunatly for him, there was a chair in his general walking area and he stumbled over it. hehe. thankfully he quickly got over it and threw his arms in the air like he was the champion of the greatest competition in the world. it was amazing! after the graduation we went out to eat at his favorite resturant as a family. it was fun and delicious! Brother Curtis did a little speech thing about how it was a big deal for their family cause Drew was going to BYU for a while and Chad was going on a mission for 2 years. it was a sad but very exciting moment. then we went home and all of us were exhausted and super full so a couple of us laid down to take a nap and then my mum picked me up that evening after my sister and i said a weird goodbye to Drew since he'd be leaving the next day. now realizing that he is very far away for a long period of time is a little harder for me than i thought it'd be. i'm pretty good at saying goodbye/see you later (i've had quite a bit of practice), but i've only had a couple that really got me the way this one did. going from spending most nights with him and his family to cold turkey is more difficult than it was supposed to be. ugh, this is so dumb.

anyways...i'm pretty excited for this summer, because i should be getting a pretty good tan! (hopefully) the girls i nanny for and i might be heading to the pool a couple times each week :)
i have to sign up for classes this week for the Fall semester. i really don't know what i'm going to sign up for. i mean, i do, but i need to make sure i get what i need and am happy with what i think i should want. yeah, a little crazy, but it should work out in the end. housing. now THAT is what is making me nervous... and the plane/hotel/car rental prices make me worry. i think i have a lot of praying and fasting to do. i'm so thankful for the gospel in my life. it's gotten me this far and i know it will help me through so much more.
kay, time to lay this little head down and get some shut eye.

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