Sunday, March 21, 2010

Part of my wisdom teeth adventure...

i got my wisdom teeth (all 3) out, just over a week ago. it was quite the adventure. i was kinda excited about it, but when i got a 24hr warning, well...the idea didn't seem so great anymore. i had to stop eating at midnight :/ my mum picked me up from work that friday morning and we headed over to the place where a man i had never met would put me to sleep and take sharp objects to my mouth in order to remove teeth where God had placed specifically. yeah... so we got there and sat in the little waiting room thingy filling out paperwork and such while my stomach yelled at me for not having breakfast. they had me take another x-ray to be sure that i only had 3 wisdom teeth. the lady told me that i'd really like the doctor and that he was good at what he did. pretty sure she gets paid to say that...anyways! i was sitting in the waiting area with my mum when the doctor guy comes out to explain to this father that the guy's daughter is all finished and that there was this nerve and - that is when i covered my ears, put my head in my mum's shoulder, and hummed like i'd never hummed before. tears were welling up in my eyes, but i wasn't crying. i think i was in almost panic mode, but holding it kinda together. the doctor came up to me and was like, "are you crying??" i replied with a quickish, "no...!" we both laughed and he took me back. dun dun dunnnn... he was very funny and nice and had a comforting smile, but that wouldn't fool me. the needles were on this little metal table and they had all these machine thingys on another table, along with an IV thingy hanging from the ceiling! that would have been the time to run, but i was in the chair and my mum can be pretty strong. my chances of making it out alive, before this procedure, might be promising, but messy... he continued to tell me the precautions. paralyzation in part or all of my jaw, allergy reactions, know. the stuff that my mum had me sign an OK for at the bottom of some page in the waiting area. should have read the fine print... and then he told me that i wouldn't actually be put fully to sleep. i was like, hold up and rewind! NOT asleep? oral SURGERY without being put to sleep? he had to be kidding me. but sure enough, he told me that only hospitals could do that. so why couldn't we go to the hospital? seriously. oh yeah, i don't like those places either. i have issues with dentists and hospitals...i think it's the needles and white jackets. yup. was too late to run at that point, even for a ninja like myself, because the IV was already making it's lovely way over to my helpless arm that was currently being strangled to death by the turnacate of H-E-double hockey sticks! that's right. the thing squeezing my arm to death hurt more than the needle to an extent. how rude. my mum had to leave at that point, and i was okay with that. kinda. he put the needle full of drugs (my only friends at that moment) into the IV thingy and told me it'd take 10-12 seconds for it to take action. at that point i talked more than i thought was possible in such a state of doom, but it happened. i told him that he should put something on the ceiling for people to look at it. he told me that there wasn't enough room. there was a little bit of room, trust me. i suggested a big hershey kiss or something along those lines. he laughed and said maybe. shortly after, an uh oh passed my lips. "is it starting to work?" he asked. "yeah... :( " i said. the ceiling started to slowly spin and i don't remember much after that. there was a painful moment and he gave me more novocaine, but other than that... i woke up and my mouth was full of gauze. i was told to sit there until i could walk and all that jazz. about 3 seconds passed and, with many worried looks from the nurses, i walked out of there. haha. like i wanted to stay sitting in that room. my mouth was numb in every way, along with my tongue. communication consisted of grunts, moans, and sign language. unfortunately, my mum doesn't know as much sign language as me so that was pretty much just a good laugh. lol. i went home and slept on the couch, still famished and now thoroughly grossed out. it was about an hour later when i changed my gauze. i won't go into too much detail, but remember how i was super grossed out before (i can't stand eye or teeth things...) well, when blood tries to come out of your mouth, but your mouth is too dry and numb...and when your only form of spitting is sticking your tongue out and looking like more than a complete was quite the experience. so gross. ewww. yuck. the fridge/freezer was full of jello and pudding and juice and yogurt and ice cream and such, but my mouth was full of gauze and blood. so there i laid on the couch with no pain in my mouth, but in my stomach. lol. my mum pretty much forced me off of the gauze faze. you see, having that nasty stuff in my mouth is one thing, but having to swallow it...? OH GOSH! yeah, wasn't gonna happen. until my mum pretty much took my gauze away...lame. but then i got to drink my juice and eat yummy jello, so it was fine in the end. still gross, but fine. matty and i had to drop something off at the Turpin's that i had. so, later that afternoon, matty and i headed down to Spring. mum made me take 1/2 of a vicodin before i left even though i felt fine. haha. matty and i got frosties from Wendy's on the way home :) that night, sister G called me at about 11pm to tell me about her frozen pea magic. supposedly i was to wake up every 30mins to an hour to put a new bag of frozen peas on my face. didn't get much sleep that night, but it worked! the swelling wasn't too bad which helps with lack of pain. the next day was filled with boredom and Psych episodes and jello/pudding/juice...and my crazy craving for protein. oh my garage door, did i want meat! i ended up putting protein powder in my malt-o-meal made runny with milk so i could drink it. and later that evening, i made instant mashed potatoes with this chicken gravy stuff! ;) OH! sister Stutz brought over ice cream for my family and i. she is such a sweetheart! i love her so much! KT and i walked to the strip mall so i could look for jeans. i was a little swollen and it kinda drove me crazy, but oh well. sunday was quite the day. my goal was to look hott. more or my face was more swollen than the other days and i had to feel good about myself to be distracted from my face. i thought it looked like i had gumballs in my cheeks, but my sis said it looked more like i had a bunch of peanut butter in my cheek. i tried eating a frozen gogurt during sacrament meeting, but the thing wouldn't open, so i had to use a pen and look like more of a fool, while trying not to get it on my clothes. haha. hmmmm... and to top it off, my former friend's girlfriend was in our ward with her sister to listen to his farewell talk and go to his party later. she hates me. so we were at church and i realized that i might have a puffy cheek, but i was prettier because, well...i have nicer caves, but because i was happy. even though my smile was slightly crooked because of the swelling, my eyes were smiling. she was talking about me to her sister, across the room, and sending mean vibes and looks my and my sister's way, but i was happy. i had a pleasant aura about me that day, and i think that is much more attractive than just nice hair or a pretty face. being happy is the way to be. i don't think i could really fall for a pessimist. so, while my sister sent a nasty glance back to the girl's sister, i smiled and knew that i had nothing to worry about. i tried eating a tortilla and cake and taco soup that day too! it took forever, but it kinda worked! haha. that was most of my adventure. i'm still on it, but that was the most exciting part. haha. i am so thankful for the fact that i seem to be healing pretty well and that pain and swelling wasn't too much of an issue for me :)


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