Jacob danced with me in the kitchen a little bit tonight. i love it when we dance in the kitchen.
the colours around here keep changing. i adore the Fall. its pretty much my FAVORITE season! do you know why? i'll tell you why :) in the summer, everything is more or less green. well, besides the fruit in the trees and a few flowers. the winter is all white and brown/dead. but if there is snow, it can be gorgeous. especially those days that the ice covers all the branches and glistens in the sun on a sunday morning...oh how i love those days... then i think about this time of year up here where they have four seasons...all the green used to be the same, but now they're showing a little individuality. some plants are orange, red, yellow, brown, light green...the air is cool and crisp. there is change everywhere! it's amazing! the spring is nice too, because the colours start coming back. fall is my favorite, though. jeans and a hoodie weather. it's fantastic. i might not have money or a dress picked or a plan of spending less on a luncheon, but the weather and my dear loved ones are on my side. life is good. stressful, but good :)
yes. so happy for you. :-)