Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I walked home from school today; this is my story.

today Jacob had work at 3pm. well, I don't even get out of class until 3pm, so I was going to be a sitting duck. I'm not really the sitting duck kinda girl (unless it is watching 'good luck charlie') so I decided to be a swimming duck and make my way back home.
class is on the other side of campus, and I estimated the trip to be about a mile...ish. surely this wouldn't be a very difficult task! I started my delightful walk home. I wasn't wearing the right shoes for such a task, but no worries. it is pretty darn warm outside so I, being the slightly brilliant person that I am, took the shaded sidewalk side of the road. I was talking to my mum on the phone to pass the time away, but do you know what she says after a few minutes??? "what if I miss your brother's call? I'd, like, never forgive you!" (btw, Matty is on his way to Peru MTC from the Provo MTC) so I had to hang up.
as I was walking down that wonderful, partly shaded sidewalk, it was brought to my attention that the sidewalk was about to end. no prob! I'd just cross the street. except there was no crosswalk...and the road was super busy, and I was going a little insane from all the heat/sun. there was no way that I was going to be stuck there until Jacob came home. I'm Kris for goodness sake! not a sitting duck :P
looking both ways, I realized that it would take a few minutes to have clear time and that when I did, I'd have to run. so I waited for the opportune moment...then I ran like a penguin. oh don't worry, I don't usually run like a penguin. but have you ever tried to run with a messenger bag book-bag? it hits your leg/butt in a way that makes you run like a penguin!
did I mention that it was hot? and I was wearing jeans because I go to BYU-I and shorts/capris aren't allowed. I decided to roll my jeans up a little. after a few steps, I realized they were unevenly rolled up...yup, that'd bug me for the rest of my life! so I stopped again to roll them evenly. and then this 5yr old kid was hanging out of a window of a passing car and yelled out to ask me for my number! okay okay, so maybe he was 10-11yrs old and not 5, but he sure darn looked like a jr primary kid!
I walked for a little while more and then needed to cross the train tacks. let me just say, it wasn't just grass in that ditch. there were rocks and dirt and pokey thingys and chunks of pointy wood! but have no fear, cuz I made it! I got this nasty sand-want-to-be stuff in my flats, though. I tried to dump it out, but then it was on my foot. and rubbing my foot in the grass only put grass on my foot. and when I tried to rub the grass off, I almost fell over! can you say oh my garage door?!?
almost home, though. a little more than a block! and then I came up to thistles 4ft tall and a million feet wide! they tried to kill me!!! but I dodged just quick enough that my life was spared for another day. I was getting really thirsty and could feel the red in my face. I wasn't sure if it was the sun doing that to my face or the heat!
I hurried home and grabbed the last sugar-free fudge-sicle out of the freezer (that we bought about 2 months ago). what an accomplishment! I'm thankful for ID. if I were to do it in TX, there would be poisonous snakes and extra heat/humidity and fire ants involved. I probably wouldn't have made it if I were in TX.
this, btw, is a very true story. you can even ask God. I'm pretty sure He was watching me and kinda laughing, with love in His heart of course.


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