Monday, January 9, 2012

Quite the experience

you know the pain you get that seems to start off slow and then hits you like a bus? the pain that, no matter how much pain tolerance you have, still has you curled up into a ball. and when it is all said and done, though you wish it didn't last as long as it did, you are left with a salt streaked face and going from room to room looking for you rice bag or something to pull you back together.
well, I experience that more than a normal person should and I am determined to do something to fix it. actually, I have been determined for most of my just hasn't worked. time to start something new!
my friend, Katherine, has a mom that does amazing stuff! she does more of the eastern style energy stuff. I have heard very good and promising stories that has made me very interested in trying it. I'm a pretty open minded person. I don't like to judge things before I learn more about them. Katherine's mom was up in Rexburg this past weekend and was sweet enough to meet with me! I was able to learn a lot of stuff!
she told me that when she does a session, the person's body usually has her focus on the body and organs and then specific parts of an organ. my body was telling her that most of my problems were to do with my energy. many problems of the body has to do with stress. as an oldest child, moving SO many times in my life, having had parents that ended up divorcing, and now being married with no life has been filled with obvious and not so obvious stresses. she felt a lot of stress and frustrations and strain in my body that I didn't even know was there. she focused and got that there was something in me from when I was 14yrs old. I'm not a person to hold grudges and such - I feel like I just move on. she helped me realize that maybe I am moving on, but I am still holding the stresses of past events. I might have moved on, but I haven't let go of the negative energies and it is hurting my body without even recognizing it.
then she asked if there was a woman in my life that was more dominant that puts stress in my life and pressure. I was thinking about it and couldn't think of anyone and she could feel that, but she then asked if I was hard on myself. busted! she was talking about me! that was kinda embarrassing. my body told her that I don't think that I am as creative as I really am. not technically creative like artsy, but also in solving problems and things like that. we tried to fix that with affirmations and such. she told me that I have been slowly giving my power and energy to people over time and that I have to let go of any negative energies so that I can get my power and energy back.
so, overall, I have to recognize any stresses and events that might have happened and built up inside of me somewhere and release them. I have to accept my creative abilities and be a little less hard on myself. do all of that should be able to help my body a little with the pains and food allergies. we shall see!


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